
Convert to Gas

Natural gas is a clean, efficient and low-cost form of energy that has many advantages over propane and other fuels. If you choose natural gas, you can count on a steady supply to keep you comfortable at less cost throughout the winter.

Ready to Start Saving?

Is Natural Gas the Right Choice for You?

Propane may have been an easy choice - or the only choice - for heating when you first moved into your home. But there has never been a better time to convert to clean, convenient, low-cost natural gas.

Ameren continually expands and upgrades its energy delivery system to meet the needs of growing communities. That means natural gas is becoming a viable choice in areas where propane was once the only option. Whatever you decide, it's worth taking a closer look at natural gas.

Natural gas offers many advantages over propane and other fuels. Explore the benefits and discover why natural gas is the natural choice for thousands of homeowners in your area.

Why natural gas?

Next Steps

  1. Start by filling out our interest form or contacting us to see if natural gas is available at your location. If you are sending an email, please provide your service address for the potential gas service and contact information.

    Phone: 888.659.4540
    Email: IllinoisConstruction@ameren.com


  2. Complete the new service application and pay any required deposits.

  3. Get your home and property ready for new natural gas service:

  • Check for required easements, licenses or permits, and clear right-of-ways of trees and other obstructions.
  • Locate and mark your underground facilities such as gas pool heaters or permanently installed gas grills.
  • Determine your meter location preference. The preferred meter location is typically 3-5 ft. from the front corner of the house, 3 ft. from an ignition source (electric meter or air conditioner) and 1 ft. from an opening (window or vent).
  • Work with your qualified plumbing or heating contractor to upgrade your home fuel line. This will include converting your appliances from propane to natural gas with a conversion kit that your contractor can install.
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