
Incentives & Programs

Lower operating costs, improved safety and environmental gains are just a few of the benefits of making the switch to electric vehicles and equipment. New incentives for electric high-capacity lift trucks and truck refrigeration unit (eTRU) ports are now available to almost all Ameren Missouri business customers.

New incentives for electric high-capacity forklifts and truck refrigeration unit ports are available to almost all Ameren Missouri business customers.

Get a Free Consultation

Wondering what the future of transportation looks like for your business? Have questions about available incentives? Unsure where to start?

We understand that making the switch to electric can be challenging, but we’re here to help. We partner with you to understand your goals, analyze feasibility and financial impacts, then deliver a personalized plan and help every step of the way.

Fill out this form to connect with our electric vehicle experts.

Lift Truck FAQs

No, these incentives are restricted to diesel tech only.
No, incentives are reserved to encourage adoption.
Yes, fleet expansion is viewed as net participation.
No, incentives are reserved for Class I counter balance trucks exceeding 6,000 pounds.

Electric Truck Refrigeration Unit FAQs

Yes.  There is no minimum requirement for eligibility.
No, in house installations are acceptable in applying for incentives.
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