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Requirements for Transportation Service

Requirements prior to July 1

A Notification Form for conversion between company supplied gas service and gas transportation service must be received by Ameren, directly from the customer, prior to July 1 for service to be effective November 1 or a later date that is mutually agreeable between the customer and Ameren.

Requirements prior to July 15


Obtain the Transportation Contract from the CSA. Sign and execute the Transportation Contract by July 15 for the transportation service to be effective November 1.

Requirements prior to October 1

The Customer’s metering equipment and telephone lines must be in place by October 1 for service to commence November 1 or thereafter. The customer shall arrange and pay for the installation and monthly costs of a commercial telephone line and 120 volt AC electrical power source, at a location designated by Ameren, to facilitate the remote interrogation of the electronic recording meter by Ameren. The telephone line is a dedicated line with specific requirements. Please contact your CSA if you require more information on the necessary requirements.

Requirements prior to November 1

The Ameren Access Agreement is required for customers and brokers to gain access to the Gas Choice portal. After the signed form is received, a UserID and Password will be assigned.

If you would like to use a marketer/supplier, complete the Broker Authorization Form. This form gives marketers the authority to nominate on your behalf and to access your account information or usage reports.

The Account Agent Designation Statement is required if you want to designate an Agent to act on your behalf for all purposes in arranging and managing services for presently active account(s). A completed Account Agent Designation Statement is required to change your mailing address to the supplier’s mailing address. The completed form should be emailed to mybusinessamerenmissouri@ameren.com.


The tariff has the same notification provision if you wish to switch from transportation service to supply service. Notification must be received by Ameren, prior to July 1 each year to be effective November 1 or a later date that is mutually agreeable by Ameren and you.

Where a change of gas service is approved, you must remain on the requested supply service for a minimum of twelve months.

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