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Rider SSR - Standby Service Rider

Rider SSR - Standby Service Rider (PDF)

The Ameren Missouri Rates group has developed excel tools which customers can use to input projected load profiles and generation assumptions to estimate the impact of Rider SSR on their bill.  The bill impact tools are designed to utilize 15 minute usage data which is the same information currently used to determine how bills are calculated under Rider SSR.  For customers who only have hourly data as an input, the Rates Group has also created a tool to convert this into 15 minute data for ease of use with the bill impact tools. 

The SSR rate tools are provided to educate and inform how a customer's bill may be impacted given various usage and generation assumptions under Rider SSR.  The decision to invest in cogeneration is complex, and involves numerous factors outside the scope of rate design and the bill impact tools provided on this page. 

For questions or assistance with these tools, please contact:

Tom Hickman
Regulatory Rate Specialist, Ameren Missouri
Email: THickman@ameren.com
Phone: 314.554.4329

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