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Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder engagement ensures that Ameren operates with the needs and concerns of our customers, employees, investors, suppliers, regulators, NGOs and communities in mind.

Ameren employees helping at a Cool Down Missouri event.

As a public utility, the concerns of our local communities and customers have always informed our business strategy and corporate governance. We strive to listen to our stakeholders and the communities we serve, and work with them to tackle important issues, such as environmental concerns, and diversity, equity and inclusion, to make our communities better.

Ameren’s Stakeholder Engagement Approach

Ameren provides safe, reliable, affordable and cleaner energy that is foundational to the well-being and security of millions of people, as well as the economy of our region and country. Our stakeholders include our customers, employees, investors, suppliers, regulators, local government entities, NGOs and local communities. Ameren communicates regularly with our stakeholders to keep them updated on our business and our sustainability progress. We do this through regular meetings and engagement sessions, as well as our annual sustainability report and ongoing updates through local media outlets. We seek their feedback through direct outreach, during regulatory proceedings and in community forums.

In addition, we often meet with the public during new facility planning and construction, as well as for projects at existing facilities. We also ensure we engage with groups that have special interest in historic or natural resources.

Ameren Missouri’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) process is a prime example of our stakeholder engagement approach. While developing our plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, we solicited feedback and dialogues with representatives of state agencies, consumer advocates and environmental advocates. We held a stakeholder workshop to present our key assumptions and data that would shape our plan and collected comments throughout the draft process.

Ameren also is working to develop an environmental justice policy, which will engage stakeholders to help us create proactive solutions to address potential environmental concerns.


Ameren provides safe, reliable, affordable and cleaner energy that is foundational to the well-being and security of millions of people. Our ESG-related risk assessments always consider any impacts and benefits to our customers. We work hard to be transparent with our customers through frequent communication and by reporting on our sustainability progress.


Ameren operations provide reliable jobs and contribute to the economy of our region and country. Our employees are important stakeholders and contributors to our commitments to sustainable and equitable business.


Ameren is an investor-owned utility. We consider our investors in our ESG efforts because they have a vested interest in our ability to operate as a sustainable company, and environmental issues are increasingly gaining attention by large investment institutions. We consider our investors by assessing risks associated with our operations, while also providing a fair return. We dedicate significant time and resources to remain transparent with our investors by participating in several sustainability disclosure frameworks.

Local Communities

Local communities are always considered in our decision-making, as these communities represent the customers and employees that are so critical to our continued safe and sustainable operations. By listening to the needs of our communities, we can better deliver energy in a reliable and affordable way, as well as support a better quality of life for the people living there.


Ameren includes suppliers in our ESG-related risk assessments. It is important to stay abreast of how our shared natural resources are used by our suppliers, how we support their long-term business sustainability, and how we can be good partners on the ESG matters impacting our region. Ameren is a member of the Electric Utility Industry Sustainable Supply Chain Alliance (EUISSCA), which leads the industry in enhancing and promoting supply chain sustainable practices across utilities and suppliers.


Ameren regularly meets with state and federal regulatory agencies, including the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Missouri Department of Conservation, US Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regional watershed groups (Missouri River), along with local and regional non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to stay updated on regulations and best practices.


We work hard to remain aware of external public opinions related to our operations and business. We engage with NGOs on ESG-related issues, such as our coal combustion residuals operations and dry-ash handling, as they can provide valuable perspective on limiting impacts to the environment, landowners and communities.
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