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Environmental Policy and Systems

Ameren’s environmental policy and tools help to ensure we are operating in line with our goal of managing environmental risks and setting expectations for protecting and preserving the environment, so we can continue to sustainably serve our communities.

We have systems and tools in place to help us adhere to our environment commitments. These include an Environmental Management System to track our environmental projects, monitor our performance and measure our impact, so we can continue to find ways to improve. Regular audits are conducted to confirm we continue to operate well within our permits.

Ameren’s Environmental Policy

Ameren expects all employees and contractors to uphold our environmental policy, which covers the following areas:


  • Meet or exceed compliance with local, state, federal, and other laws and regulations, in addition to Ameren policies and procedures.
  • Assure compliance with laws and regulations by monitoring environmental and sustainability measures through direct measurements or evaluation protocols.
  • Provide employees and contractors proper training and resources to perform work in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner.

Environmental Stewardship

  • Manage carbon emissions by transitioning to a cleaner, more diverse energy portfolio, including expanding renewable generation and low- or no-carbon technologies in a responsible and cost-effective manner.
  • Ensure the efficient use of natural resources in our operations by evaluating processes and implementing measures to reduce overall water use and waste generation.
  • Conserve natural habitats and native species to aid in protecting biodiversity in the regions we serve. Read Ameren's Biodiversity Policy here.
  • Advance clean energy solutions by providing customer energy efficiency programs and continuing development and deployment of innovative technologies to reduce our environmental impacts.

Operational Excellence

  • Manage our operations in a manner that meets our customer needs of clean, safe, reliable energy and related services while avoiding or managing associated environmental impacts.
  • Work to prevent pollution before it is produced, consistent with operating requirements.
  • Monitor emerging issues, such as regulatory changes, technological advances and stakeholder expectations, to improve our environmental and sustainability policies and practices.
  • Maintain operating policies, procedures and resources to implement this Environmental Policy.

Environmental Justice and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Welcome meaningful involvement for the communities we serve in our planning and development processes regardless of ethnicity, color, national origin, social status or income.
  • Engage our stakeholders, including government agencies, public officials, community partners and environmental groups, to maintain transparency of our business decisions.
  • Integrate our commitment to environmental excellence through all levels of the business, including evaluating contractors and suppliers, where practical.
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