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Incentives Are Easy for Convenience Stores

Convenience stores and gas stations are quick and easy retail spots for customers, and they are also eligible for quick and easy incentives from the BizSavers® program! By upgrading indoor lighting, refrigerated cases, and HVAC systems to energy efficient equivalents, commercial customers can earn cash incentives and improve profit margins.

Energy Savings For Convenience Stores

Convenience stores use 3 - 7 times more energy per square foot than the average commercial business space, making energy costs a natural concern for c-store owners and managers.

Upgrading to more energy-efficient technologies will lower operating costs, reduce building maintenance and provide a more comfortable, safe environment for customers and staff. With cash incentives that are as quick and easy as stopping in your stores, the Ameren Missouri BizSavers® Program can help keep your business running smoothly.

How convenience stores use energy
Find more ways to save and see all available incentives in our Standard Incentives List. If you don’t see your ideal upgrade listed, don’t worry. If it saves energy, chances are we have a Custom Incentive that can help you reduce the cost to upgrade.

Now that you know more about how your business uses energy, it’s time to start planning how you start saving. In this video, we’ll break down how upgrades to refrigeration, lighting, HVAC and more can cut your costs while improving comfort, safety and convenience.

Cash incentives are available for virtually every energy-saving upgrade you make to your convenience store, so there’s never been a better time to save energy and money with the Ameren Missouri BizSavers Program!

Popular Efficiency Measures

Options to Save Energy and Earn Cash Incentives

Incentives are paid on a per unit-installed basis and are available for a variety of qualified improvements. All Standard Fast-Track measures do not require pre-approval unless the incentive is anticipated to be more than $15,000. Linear fluorescent lighting projects may be eligible for enhanced incentive rates through the Standard Pre-Approval process.

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Energy efficiency timeline standard incentives

The BizSavers Program may provide custom incentives for energy efficient equipment that is not eligible for Standard Incentives. Custom Incentives are calculated based on the projected annual energy reduction. These Incentives require pre-approval before equipment purchase or installation.

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Energy efficiency timeline custom incentives

Starting from scratch or completing a renovation? Incentives are available through the New Construction program. These incentives must be pre-approved prior to the Design Phase of the project.

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Energy efficiency new construction incentives

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