Don't let common misunderstandings cloud your view of solar energy.
Get the FactsIf you discover that solar isn't right for your property but you still want to support solar in your area, consider Community Solar.
Deciding how much solar you need and how to finance it are critical to know if solar is right for your home. A solar panel system can provide clean and renewable energy for your home, but it's a big investment. One big question to consider is whether or not you can afford it.
If you decide that private solar for your home is not the best option right now, consider Community Solar.
Installing solar isn't a DIY project. If you're unsure what questions to ask, starting with this checklist - Questions to Ask Your Solar Provider (PDF) - might help.
We recommend that customers seeking a contractor visit and check out their Installer Members.
Going from start to finish with any solar installation takes time. Here's what to keep in mind before and during this process.
Learn how you'll get connected to the grid.
Solar panels can last 25 years or more, but understanding how to keep them in top-performing shape will help you maximize their performance.
How to Read Your Bi-Directional Meter (PDF)
Once you've selected a solar installer, they can complete the online application for you based on your system. You and your installer can also see the FAQs to better understand size requirements. Ameren Missouri will review the submitted application and approve it or replay within 30 days (10 kilowatt and below systems) or 90 days (11-100 kilowatt systems). Once your installer completes the installation, they will return Sections E and F of the application and get an inspection if your municipality requires it. Ameren Missouri will then order a bi-directional meter, if applicable. Current bi-directional meter costs are $226 for a single phase meter and $169 for a three phase meter. Your installer will then guide you through the final stages before you start enjoying the benefits of solar energy.
Customers who have submitted applications can check their Solar Credit Project Status (PDF).