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Ameren Alerts FAQ


Ameren Alerts are a quick way to manage your account and keep current on your account activity.
Alerts are offered at no charge by Ameren. Your mobile carrier or service provider may bill you for text messages received and sent. Ameren is not responsible for these charges. Before using Ameren Alerts, check with your mobile carrier or service provider for text messaging costs and plans. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more information.
To avoid missing any of your Ameren Alert messages, update your contact information by logging in to your Account Dashboard. Don't have an online account? Create one today!

If for some reason you forget to do this, any alerts returned to Ameren will be deleted - and the contact will be deleted from the Ameren Alert system.

The default subscriptions are the most common type of communications requested by customers at this time.

These include Outage Alerts, Bill Reminders, Important Account Status Updates, Payment Confirmations, Energy Assistance Pledge Posted, and Start & Stop Service alerts. If you do not want one of the defaulted subscriptions, you can easily manage your alert preferences from the "Account Support" section of your Account Dashboard.

When you subscribe to Outage Alerts, you'll receive alerts when power may be off in your area, including updates on estimated restoration time, the cause of the outage and power restoration confirmation.

You can also text OUT to AMEREN (263736) to report an outage or STAT to check the status of power at your address.

We recommend five; however, the system allows you to have as many as you need. Also, please be sure to consider adding an authorized contact to your account as well, in case you ever need someone to speak with Ameren about your account on your behalf. You can edit your contact information as well as add authorized contacts by logging in to your Account Dashboard. Don't have an online account? Create one today!
Yes, you may register for text or email alerts on multiple accounts with the same contact information (phone number or email address).
To add, edit or delete an authorized contact on your account, visit the "Manage Account" section of your Account Dashboard.
You are able to choose to receive Ameren alerts as text and/or email messages.
You can unsubscribe from all text alerts by texting STOP to AMEREN (263736). To unsubscribe from specific text or email alerts, visit the "Manage Account" section of your Account Dashboard.
Visit Ameren Health, Safety and Financial Assistance Options to learn more about the Caring Contact Program, Medical Equipment Registry, Medical Hardship Extension, and Financial Assistance options.
Alert Info